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The zombie-flesh-splattered, colossal film maker, producer and screenwriter Sir Peter Robert Jackson was born on HALLOWEEN 1961 and grew up in New Zealand. He was an only child and learnt how to create his own amusement at an early age. On Christmas 1969, Peter's parents got an 8mm camera and his life was forever changed.
He won international attention early in his career with his splatstick horror comedies, before coming to mainstream prominence with Heavenly Creatures. He is also known for 'Bad Taste' a splatstick alien comedy and 'Meet the Feebles' which has been described as 'The Muppet show on acid'.
PJ is commonly known for his particularly grandiose Lord of the Rings film adaptations, the equally astounding District 9 and his 2005 version of King Kong. So basically, biiiiig big films, legendary, the kind that need to be seen on a gigantic ferris wheel sized screens causing eyes to drip and glisten accompanied by deafening, eardrum bursting surround sound..
But i'm into the young, reckless gorestruck Jackson. When once his films were so grotesquely manipulated that they had to invent a new genre for them that became known as 'splatstick' horror... describing the bloody eyeball on the top his horror ice cream sundae poifectleh. Theres nothing I like more than listening to the sticky splat of a mutilated brain popping out of a head and being gulped down by a ravenous bystander, or to see a lung being punctured open on to a newly mopped patio floor.. some say its disturbing, some say I should be on the local Pysch ward but I say Splatstick beats Horror hands down.

Of all his films my personal favourite is definitly 'Braindead', sometimes known by another title, 'Dead Alive' which he released in 1992. The mock sunshine-ey 'Pleasantville'-esque atmosphere contrasts beautifully with the sudden Buckfast-bottle-to-the-back-of-the-head shock of butterz beyond belief violence. The film features extensive special effects including miniature trams, stop motion and a plethora of gory make-up effects.
Love Zombies Much?
Go Get Braindead..... <-- <--Vatch eet herr..
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