Its cool to believe in something positive and to be comitted and to build on the talent that yr born with. if you get sidetracked with all or any of the above then good luck with yr meaningless + repetitive existence, everyone makes mistakes but the people who continue making the same ones are the ones who will never be satisfied. i guess sometimes its hard to stay focused but at least TRY to remember all you've already got, make the most of it, learn, do yr research, and never give up on what you know is right. Most importantly, DON'T BELIEVE THE FUCKING HYPE.
I know right? Like since when did I become Mother bloody Theresa...These arn't words that I can honestly say i live my day to day life by, but they are the ones that i aspire to keep with me til i die + that i aim to push to the forefront in hope of change and a better way of life.
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